We met Harmony and Cory in January at the Ultimate Wedding Show here in Grande Prairie. Harmony spoke to us at our booth for quite awhile, and was quite taken with our work. It was serendipity indeed when we found out later that day that her and Cory were the winners of the $50,000 grande prize wedding package, especially since we had donated the photography prize this year.

Laura and I really clicked with these guys, and we had an absolutely great time shooting their engagement as well as their wedding. It was a long day, with several locations, including the salon, their house, a hotel suite, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Tim Horton’s, Muskoseepi Park, a parking lot, a wheat field, a farm, and the Five Mile Hall, east of town. Like I said, that’s a lot of locations! We even capped the whole day with an epic photobooth. Luckily, Harm, Cory, and their wedding party handled it all with grace and a good dose of silliness. Mostly thanks to Cory…

Anyway, thanks for having us as part of your day guys. We were really lucky in the contest too, if you know what I mean.

Chris + Laura

We even drafted the groom into active duty as a walking reflector stand. If you ever need a job Cory…

Go join our Facebook page. There are a few more images from Harmony + Cory’s wedding up there…

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